Back Ranks
10 homes
10 plots
Deathpoint for 1000 dong
15 homes
15 plots
Deathpoint for 1000 dong
Access to fast track security
20 homes
20 plots
Deathpoint for 1000 dong
Access to fast track security
Custom nickname
25 homes
25 plots
Deathpoint for 1000 dong
Access to fast track security
Custom nickname
Death chest
/repair for 500 dong
/feed for 500 dong
30 homes
30 plots
Deathpoint for free
Access to fast track security
Custom nickname
Death Chest
/repair for free
/feed for free
/heal for 500 dong
/enchant for 1000 dong
Access to EliteChat group
Unlimited homes
Unlimited plots
Deathpoint for free
Access to fast track security
Custom nickname with colour
Death Chest
/repair for free
/feed for free
/heal for free
/enchant for free
Access to EliteChat group