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FreeCraft is now Frenily

Read more about it here


FreeCraft becomes Frenily!

By Adrian — on Dec 01 2022 - 10:10:24

Hello everyone! Today we're going to be announcing a big change on the server. After long and hard thinking, we've decided that the current FreeCraft name is too constricting in what we can host, and that another name may represent our identity a bit better. We wanted something independent of Minecraft names, including parts like -craft, -mc, mine- etc. The other part of the name, free-, was a bit too generic. Yeah, it represented us because joining and playing on the server is free, but almost all servers are. So we came up with a new name, that represents us a bit better.

Welcome to Frenily!

As of the 1st of January 2023, FreeCraft will be known as Frenily. Frenily represents our friendly atmosphere that's welcoming to everybody. Along with this new identity, we'll have a new website:! Having a shorter name, and shorter domain name will also be useful in projects later on that we're working on. Our slogan will be Uniting a Frenily world, one block at a time. We'll have a new, more playful colour scheme and obviously a new logo too!

What does this mean for you?

Well, The name change is purely on the surface. We'll be running the same server, in the same way, with the same people. The only thing that changes is the name of the server you're connecting to. You'll be able to connect to the server using, but if you're really lazy, you'll be able to continue to use the IP as well.

What happens to FreeCraft?

Good question. And to be completely fair, we're not completely sure yet. FreeCraft has obviously been a special name for a special place for the last 10 years in our lives, and letting go of the name fully is a step too far. So we want to reincorporate the FreeCraft name somehow in the world. Maybe as an organisation of some sort. If you have any ideas, put them below!

What do you think of the new name? What do you think about the new logo? Let us know! We've got another little surprise for you, though!

Last edited by: Colin on Dec 01 2022 - 19:51:00
Adrian — on Jan 02 2023 - 17:33:11

Good point. Technically this is only a relatively shallow identity change; the other elements of the organisation stay the same. Keeping this in mind, I would say this is still the fourth era of the organisation and thus the server. I'll have to have a deep think about this.

Colin — on Jan 01 2023 - 04:55:20

So does this count as a new era?

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